well it has begun


New member
well, i just pulled all my sps and am in the process of treating them for red bugs.... wish me luck!!!


I have decided that i am going to keep a log of my treatment using the Eric Borneman variation to the Dorotn method. Hopefully this will help people who are trying to decide whether or not to treat this way..lol..

As for above, that was day one, 5/03/06. I treated all sps for 12 hours in a very high dose of interceptor.... Nothing bleached, although my blue corals seemed to almost get a purple hue... not sure why.

Today i went ahead and moved all corals from the treatment tank to a makeshift QT, where they will stay until next tuesday or wednesday. It aint pretty, but its doin the job. Set up consisted of a 10 gallon tank, Aquaclear 30 HOB filter with foam block and carbon, two small powerheads, and a 300 watt submersible heater( thats all i had layin around). Lighting for the QT was my old tank display light, a Coralife 150 watt 10k DE HQI pendant. Day two, and everything is going great so far! Here are some pics from tonight....

my ghetto setup.....yes the light is hanging from a ladder, lol.

a topside and inside view...corals actually have decent PE.


and finally a random pic of my coral-les tank and my awesome lumenarc reflector and Aquaconnect bulb.


i will keep everyone posted of my progress!!
Good luck I hope it goes well....... how did you notice you had red bugs anyhow???? Were they fairly easy to see or did it take a magnifying glass to discover the little buggers??
well, i was just glancing in at my tank one day, and i noticed little "specs" on my tenius....when i looked closer, i saw that they were moving and had a red hue to them....then i knew what they were.... If i hadn't been looking very closely at my corals, basically examining them, i probably wouldn't have seen them at all...... sneeky little guys....
Why did you remove your sps from your display to treat for redbugs? Do you have any crabs or shrimp?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7307404#post7307404 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nemofish2217
well, i was just glancing in at my tank one day, and i noticed little "specs" on my tenius....when i looked closer, i saw that they were moving and had a red hue to them....then i knew what they were.... If i hadn't been looking very closely at my corals, basically examining them, i probably wouldn't have seen them at all...... sneeky little guys....

Yeah, once you know theyre in there, theyre very easy to see. You look at them and say "how did I not see those?"

As to the blue to purple, i noticed a lot of stuff like that when I treated mine. I think some of it is just that the corals are no longer irritated.
Nice QT setup. I'm interested to see how your treatment goes. I've treated my tank for red bugs many times, and I still see some in there. I think i've created a strain of 'super red bug' in the process. Perhaps QT is the next step I should take.

Nice pic of the luminarc, btw. Those reflectors are amazing.

thanks guys,
5/05/06- Everything is going great, everything is looking good, and no signs of red bugs anywhere on any corals.... checked Alk and Calcium.... Alk- 9.6 dkh, Calcium- 450ppm. So, everything is looking good! I am having to top off with RO water 2x to 3x daily to make sure i dont have to big of a fluctuation in such a small tank...temp is holding from about 78.5-79.6 or so. Most corals have browned out some, but that is pretty much to be expected....

Ewan- I am pretty confident that this method will give me 100% success... but we will see. Thanks about the lumenarc, they are amazing reflectors....

what do you guys think about the aquaconnect bulb? I am running no suplementation at all over the tank. Do you guys think the bulb looks too "purple" for a 14k? maybe its just that im used to a pale washed out 10k.... Do you think the color has anything to do with the nipple orientation? thanks again guys....
you are exactly right....when i found them i was like, "how long have they been in there? Cause i have never seen them before!" I think i had just been reading a lot of info on redbugs and decided it would be good to take a close look at my tank.... good thing i did!
once again, everything seems to be going just fine today....no changes, PE is actually really good....no signs of red bugs anywhere and hopefull they are dying out in the tank as i speak...i will keep everyone posted on any updates.....cheers
Thanks. I think I am going to run up to the store and get some filters so I can run carbon. Might set this up tonight and give it a try.
question for all here....I am going to do the same treatment here....I have never seen (magnifying glass and all) redbugs on montis or millis....I cannot get ALL pieces of my montis or millis out(both have encrusted to the live rock in many places)...I will treat the qt tank only and not my main tank ......has anyone else noticed this about the monti's or milli's?..or is it common knowledge (except for me) that these corals are not host to redbugs?....thanks

this has some info about the montis... look in the section "Survival of copepods with and without Acropora or surrogate host coral species." As far as millis....i think he said that the bugs really dont like the millis....but hey, they are acropora, so i didn't want to take the chance.... i was able to take all of my corals out so that is what i did...i figured, better safe than sorry.... hope this helps....
Still, no problems, things are going well. My 5 day QT will be done tomorrow but i think i am going to continue to QT until either tuesday or wednesday....
End of day 5, almost forgot to update.....i am thinking that i am going to go ahead and put corals back in system tomorrow....on day 6. I was going to keep them in QT until Wednesday, or one week, but i am getting some new livestock tomorrow, so i will need to QT it... Besides, from Borneman's research, he did not see any of the red bugs live after 5 days, so i really have no reason to keep them in QT for more than 5 days, i was just being extra cautious... Hopefully i am out of the woods!!!