Went all out and got led's


HAHA, sorry guys not really all out, needed a light for my medium sized cpr HOB refugium. and didnt want to pay $50 or more for their light. went by lowes and picked up this 18" strip of 22 led's for $25 !! ill let you know how it works out if you guys care, should be interesting and could serve other purposes ??


how bright is it? might work really well for the sump/fudge light. instead of the old flood light. lot less heat also.
its pretty bright, im sure they are 1 watt each, but it would work great i think. plus they can be mounted easily and you can get a couple of them for a sump if one is not enough. lot less heat and less energy for something that runs 24/7. im still wouldnt spend $1600+ to try and light my aquarium with LEDs, im sure costs will come down in the future. or they will get better you know.
heres a neat trick. since i got the strip i was wondering about how to mount it or what. so i remembered i had an old flourescent light that didnt work. i gutted the thing. and mounted the led strip inside of it. this should sit perfectly over my hob refugium and make it dissapear almost.


Hey, great idea and DIY project!! :thumbsup: Will have to look into doing something similar on my build as well.

Good thinking! I done the same thing with a couple of 24W CF lights and ballasts to use over my 12G aquapod for actinic light when the 150W mh hang on light was not on.
well after a couple of months, the LED works well enought to keep the plants alive, but are not really growing the way i would like, soo im gonna end up going to a flourescent light again. and see how it works. damn.
yeah this didnt work even for the rufugium, curius to how jays is working out for his fuge ??? jay were you at???
I thought I had some before pics of the chaeto but so far so good on the light. It is a 7watt light so low on power consumption but it is pretty blue in color. I run it 24/7.

