Went to Coral & Fish Center Santa Ana


Premium Member
Well, as you guys know, I recently had a less than good experience with a LFS, but because of that I have now had just about the best experience ever in an O.C. LFS. (I say O.C. only because my local guy here treats me really well)

Now, I''ll tell you right off the bat, I AM BIASED, but only because of what Frank at CFC did for me. The truth is that he saw my other thread, and wanted to make an overture to me to win me over, thats practically verbatum.

I decided to get my new jbj 1/2hp Chiller from him, and also inquired about a CA reactor setup, this was just yesterday afternoon. He stocks Coralife reactors, however they worked up a recommendation for the Precision Marine (HA guys, I was trying to get some input from you this this morning, but to no avail), not an in stock item. I said cool lets do it, I think at around 5pm yesterday.

Well, I decided to come in this afternoon to pick up the chiller (of which he actually offered to bring it to me in Riverside as opposed to me going down there) and to my amazement he already had got in the complete reator setup, with addon effluent chamber, filled co2, ph controller and probes. Needless to say I was very pleasantly surprised having expected to pick it up next week.

Now I dont think it would really be appropriate to post the actual prices I paid on an open forum, however let me say this: He virtually gave away the chiller, and the reactor setup was by far the the best price Iv'e seen, including those well known online stores. Now obviously this is not an everyday type of deal, and that is no doubt why I am biased.

I took a cruise around the store and based on my experiences the prices are fair. The livestock and lps selection was very good, sps was fair, though a few in the shallow grow-out type tank were browning out. In their defense though they said they had some excessive handling/tranfers on that setup and are changing it around as well as replacing the single lamp w/ 4 pendants. He has some very nice specimens in his display tanks, though I am not sure how many are or are not for sale.

When I was in there, including Frank and his wife, he had 4 or 5 people staffed and 2 more out on service, so if any might think that the prices could be better, he truly does have a fairly large overhead. Now, his right hand man, for these purposes, Joe if I'm not mistaken, is very knowledgeable, and I have to say conversing with Frank and Joe was very pleasurable.

My impression is that the intent is to go as far as practically possible to please their customers, granted not everyone will be, and in some cases can be, satisified as there are limitations to what anyone in business can do. To back this up, frank told me that he has implemented a l/s guarantee which is, at least for me is absolutley unheard of, Either 60 or 90 days, dont remember for sure which one, but hey it's a moot issue, cause if it survives 30 and it doesnt make it to 90, face it, you had to have screwed somethin up.

Now for all you guys who make the trips out to UCSB, he carries NSW, NOT CATALINA WATER, but a mix of scripps and I think san diego public supply. Its not free, but not too bad .60/g but check him out this weekend for his sale and you can get 10g just for comming in and 50g if you purchase something, n/c. You may need to sign up for his membership, but thats free too and you get a cool card out of it that in the worse case you can use if you lock yourself out of ur house, or need somthing to remove that stubborn anemone that wont release from the glass.

Also, I have to mention he has a couple of really nice Elegance Corals that according to them have been in there for over three months. For those who are willing to try these beautiful creatures 3months acclimated and stable with excellent extension and no sign of recession or other ailment can't be beat. Sorry, though, I bought the largest one, I'd say it measures at least 5x12-14 extended. They are gonna keep it for me for maybe 2-4weeks so I can make sure I get past any spike on my current tank transfer.

Another note, I did a little research here before I decided to make any purchase from them and I saw someone mentioning prices on certain items that were double from some other LFS. If you see something that is way outa wack, just ask them. The reactor media I got was miss-priced, well heavily miss-priced, but the correct amount showed at the register, everyone makes mistakes.

In any event, if you go there take the time to look Frank (hopefully he'll be there)and Joe up and shoot the breeze, they will be more than helpful. Though as of now it has been a short experience for me I truly believe that they are putting customer service as their #1 priority

Now I know this sounds like some seriouse arse kissing, but if you get a chance to stop by there, and your are really interested in service, excellent guarantees and a more that fair return policy, then you will be just as pleased as I am.

I stopped by there couple days ago after strolling the mall.. Doesn't look like a fish and coral center with no corals and fishes in the tanks.
I was out the door in 2 minutes. I spent 1 minute looking at the display tank. They have a nice setup though :)

They need more variety of livestock and way way better prices..
They have thing half the size and twice the price of other LFS I've been to!
I have very good experience with Frank, he a great guy. I bought the tank from him 6month ago(55g). He match the price that I got from online store with no question ask, If you go to most lfs, most of them won't match the price for the online store. He even come to my house and drill the hole on my tank for free( have you see any lfs that do that??).
For the price, I know their livestock price is a little high but if you think about it, the rent in that area near south coast plaza must be very high, plus they have the most helper I see in any lfs around here. But if you see Frank, he more than willing to make the deal with you. One time I almost get the Sohal Tang for $70, but the list price is I think $120. You just have to know how to make the deal or talk to them. I'm sure they are more thank happy to make the deal with you.


PS sorry for my bad english.

bytheway Frank if you read this thread, Did you check the price for Yelllow Assessor from ORA for me yet?? shoot me a pm ok, thanks
No Fish and corals? Maybe he just stocked up, but I believe the whole right wall was lps / softies, and there were quite few varieties of fish, at least the most common ones that ive seen at LFS'. SPS could be better, but they are working on it, the display does have some nice pieces in it hence i say fair. I would hope that they increase that selection, but it may not be their biggest focus.

But anyways, the key word is / was service, just my humble opinion
when i went there i thought their prices on dry goods were way too high, but that was a while ago. maybe somethings changed.
Yep way over price. Maybe you need to know the RIGHT person to talk to.
Is Frank the manager??
You'll get good service & prices at CFC regardless of who you talk to now. :) We went through some management changes a few months ago - and yes, pricing has adjusted as a result.

I'd hate to think that someone has to be 'in the know' to get a fair price from a store. It's been fixed (and it helps that we're all computerized now).

If you do notice something out of the norm - just tell us, and we'll check it out, fix it and reward you for helping us figure it out.
