What are my Palys doing?


New member
Only these Palys are behaving this way. They've been doing this since I got them 2 months ago. they produce new polyps and seem to be doing ok minus the mushroom looking shape.

Any ideas? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1305670746.644979.jpg
KH-Dkh 9.6 ALK 3.43
Mag 1410
PO4 .03/0
Ca 440
Temp 76-81

I'll get nitrate and ammonia levels as soon as I can find the tests...

Thank you for reply!
I have had plenty of zoas do that and they have been just fine. As someone stated above if could be a lighting issue, try moving them down. Did you do any light acclimation and what lights are you running?
I run 4 24w T5's. I placed these Palys about 2 inches from bottom. Should I move them under some shade?

I'm glad someone else has experienced this without losing them!

Thanks everyone
That's a big swing in temperature you have there. That might have something to do + lighting? You might want to stabalize your temperature a little for the benefit of the whole tank. :beer:
Running a bag of fresh carbon may also help. It is possible there is a chemical war going on and that is why your polyps are reacting that way. Carbon will remove a lot of toxins from the water, but you need to remove it in 1-2 weeks before it leaches the contaminants back out. Light stress on zoas and palys IME bleaches them. This "reverse cupping" seems like an opposite reaction to too much light. If the polyp is stressed, why would it open itself up fully? I do agree that moving it around to a different location may help, too. Good luck
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If they are reproducing, then they must be doing alright aside from the shape! Could it be the flow, is there a power head that is pumping a lot of water in that direction?
is there a power head that is pumping a lot of water in that direction?

I'd say moderate to low flow. I have gained 3 polyps in about a month and a half. I've moved them around the tank as suggested and they still look funny! I guess that's just there look?
I had some like that and never did look right. Unfortunately they melted away after about 7 months. Hope yours do better. They are cool palys. Good luck and keep moving them around until you can find a good spot for them.
Once again, your zoas doing fine. They are doing that just because they are in the reproduction mode. If you look closely you will see the baby on the side is getting bigger or the base of the Zoas getting fatter ready for new polyp.

It's up to you but I would not move the zoa to any where else in the tank because if you move it too much, the zoa will getting **** and melt.
I think your right Tenor, the mat has been grown quickly and I've gained 2 more polyps since I posted my original question.