what are you gonna add for the NEW YEAR


my plan is to have my tank stock its 1 clown 1 Chromis and 3 zoas is very lonely what do you guys plan to add or change its all most new years say cheese :hb2: :dance:
Actually I might be taking our tank down. We are going on a 4-6 week trip and I don't want to leave it for that long unmonitored. Kids and wife aren't happy but I don't have any other choice.

Happy New Year.
need to take stuff out ;).....my nems keep splitting (now have 4). Today I tried to poke one to get it to move and it left a small nem behind about the size of a nickle. (that makes 5)

Things I'd like to change in my tank this year:
-hack my manual-dim led and make it apex dimmable (more of a wish list) ;)
-get my anemones under control!
-automate my tank in prep for a 3-4 week vacation (almost there)
-frag a bunch of stuff; tank is overgrowing.
-figure out how to cut a bubble coral without killing it (got to talk to marke)
-enjoy the tank more; wife says I stress over it too much
Tank sitter

I have one for short trips but I wouldn't want/trust her for longer than a week. She basically feeds the fish and makes sure the pumps are still running.

Starting over would be more fun anyway. I get bored with tanks quickly. I enjoy the build more than watching a tank and it's inhabitants mature.
need to take stuff out ;).....my nems keep splitting (now have 4). Today I tried to poke one to get it to move and it left a small nem behind about the size of a nickle. (that makes 5)

Things I'd like to change in my tank this year:
-hack my manual-dim led and make it apex dimmable (more of a wish list) ;)
-get my anemones under control!
-automate my tank in prep for a 3-4 week vacation (almost there)
-frag a bunch of stuff; tank is overgrowing.
-figure out how to cut a bubble coral without killing it (got to talk to marke)
-enjoy the tank more; wife says I stress over it too much

Wish my nems would split. and let me know when you frag :)
+1 on that comment.
Hopefully add some water to mine also.
Tired of looking at it in the garage!!!!
I need to add lights, ato and powerheads. Possibly build a hanging canopy and get my corals to grow. Livestock wise I want a green corris wrasse and a potters angle