What are you...

Reggae Fish

Premium Member
... to TWP for sundays sale?

I'm taking a 55 gallon tank, stand, lights

Also taking a 55 gallon tank, 130watt 50/50 lights, glass tops, stand, amiracle 600gph overflow box.

Also, just some misc. stuff.

Just curious of some of the stuff to expect. Maybe I'll go sell plasma.LOL
I'm taking a 26 gal bowfront tank/stand/strip light, Current USA Orbit 2x65w PC light, and a small aquafuge...possibly a small 5 gal bowfront.
If y stuff doesn't sell here, then I am taking...

75g tank only

48" Aqualight (4 bulb fixture with 3 month old bulbs)

possibly a corallife 150gpd RO unit
possibly Corallife supperskimmer rated for 125g

maybe more stuff...don't know yet.
