What are YOUR Water Transfering methods..?


New member
What are your water transferring methods... let's see what everyone's got.... pumps..? gravity ? etc. pictures would be nice too.
I take my 3; 5g water jugs that we got at makeman to the fish lady and she fills 'em up for about 500y. PPM will charge you 1200y for the same amount of water, though I think theres is manmade, not sure though.
I have just clear hose that make man sells. For pumps I have a Mag drive pump. Im about to put it in the trash though. Stupid thing doesnt want to fire when I shut off the power to it.

My return is 100% PVC. Something I might consider when I replumb it, put a ~4" peice of hose between the pump and the PVC to act as a flex pipe. Just as an exhaust on a car, I think there needs to be a little bit of flex between the piping and the pump. It gets bumped, it moves quite a bit from the pressure, I think a small peice of flex piping in there would bea good idea.
Man I wish I had my new system up and running. I am going lazy this time. I will have a 15 gallon container plumbed into the actual system so when I cut off one ball valve and turn on another the container will be separated from the main system. the bottom of the container has a ball valve on it that will be connected to a hose. All I have to do is take the hose and pull it to the bathroom drain and open on the ball valve on the bottom. Once empty, I connect a pump to the same hose and drop it in my water change garbage can (also 15 gallons) Turn the pump on and it will fill the container back up. Close the bottom valve, and reverse the other valves and presto, water change without getting my hands wet. (until I rinse the equipment) And to think I thought this whole thing up while drinking beer. Beer should be manditory in school