what do you do to new corals before you put them in your tank?


Please share your preferred pest dip methods and products.

I am going to be adding corals to my 20g so they can start to grow out. When I move I will be setting up a bigger tank. I want to be sure to do everything possible to avoid pests. A qt system is not a realistic possibility right now.
I use revive but in reality i've never been 100% comfortable with dipping my corals in it. It seems harsh on the coral and i've had frags die but it's hard to say if it was the dip that killed them.

But the dip does work. This was the water after a dip of a 1 inch frag..

Damn! Those bristle worms are good though aren't they? I have hundreds of them. Once the lights are off they come out of everywhere.
Damn! Those bristle worms are good though aren't they? I have hundreds of them. Once the lights are off they come out of everywhere.

I don't like them because the sting hurts if you accidentally touch one. Also they can get big. I had one in a previous tank that was atleast a foot long.
Coral Rx and Bayer. Iodine and fresh water for zoas. 99% of my last frag purchases have been SPS, so Bayer exclusively!
If you take the frag off the rock or frag plug it came on, you can eliminate most critters.

But still dip the frag and use a small pump/baster to blow off stubborn critters while doing the dip.

I use Bayer and Coral Rx mixture. Never had a dip kill my coral. Yes....I ****ed the coral off, but it came back to normal color later.
Bayer complete has been working for many of us and it seems milder on the corals while killing stuff quicker. Do a search everyone uses different quantities of it. I have used stronger doses than most without damage.
bayer complete has been working for many of us and it seems milder on the corals while killing stuff quicker. Do a search everyone uses different quantities of it. I have used stronger doses than most without damage.

For zoas I use fresh tap water, not dechlorinated and iodine.

For most sps I use Revive and the Interceptor that I still have. I will have to look into the Bayers soon.