What does this look like to you?


Limestone Cowboy.
Premium Member
I picked this up from live aquaria, and was wondering what you guys thought it was.
BTW they had ity listed as an A. enchinata.
Had yo host it elsewhere liveaquaria's pic dissapears after you buy it.
Very nice. Have to wait till it grows a little more to get a better idea of what it is. A. echinata's main trait is it's growth form, as the corallite structure is close to a few other corals.

Good luck with it!!
Thanks i missed the first couple of frags more like mini colonys.
Its their wysiwyg frag lineup. You are correct its growth looks like a few different deepwater species.
Heres a pic after i got it, Its a nice yellow under 10k's, and the polyps are crazy blue.

Yes a bottlebrush. LOL
I have it down to 3 species, and to tell ya the truth i dont care too much what it is i bought it because it was what i liked in colors.
I dont have any yellow and blue combo's, and thought it would fill a void in my tank where my lokani was.