what eats sargassum?


Premium Member
I have some LR with sargassum on it and wondered what would eat it besides a naso tang? The tank is a 95 gal ocanic a lil small for a fish that might one day get 18 inches long. I have seen some posts that say that sargassum will eventually recede after a period of time. Is this true?
I have several specie of snails and a tuxedo urchin, and none of these eat sargassum. In my tank, it's rate of growth has slowed over time. It grows from a single holdfast and does not take over the tank. Easy to harvest by breaking off the plant just above the holdfast. A good algae for the main tank, IMO.
When I first set up my tank I had alot of it. I was constantly pruning it. I got so tired of cutting it back that 1 day I pulled out all a could find. After that it never returned. I later heard that it usually doesn't last in tanks but eventually dies out as the tank matures. I do know that once it was gone I kind of missed it.
I had some when I first got my rock, too, but my Mithrax crab made short work of it.