What exactly is the point of this forum?


New member
I just went on a rant in another thread in here, and really, I should address this more globally.

So, when I saw this forum I thought "Great! A place where we can find ways to save the reefs, ways to keep our tanks from being an impact, etc."

Maybe I just don't get it. What really is the point? It obviously isn't what I just mentioned, because there are questions in here that don't get moved that seem to me could be answered in the general reefkeeping forum. ex> How do I get away with not using a sump? > Where should I store my RO water? etc.

I don't get it.
Since they shut down the Politics & Religion forum a while back, this is where the political issues related to reefkeeping (like how silly PETA is) can still be brought up without getting your posts locked or deleted. Well, that, and for serious discussion on the topics you mentioned. They may have even been brought up before (I haven't searched). And you could always bring them up.


Note: Anything I write is merely my perfect and unrefutable opinion and not necessarily the opinion of Reef Central, its staff, or its sponsors. Thank you.

Please feel free to use this forum for it's designed purpose. Also, if you see posts that do not belong in here, just use the report this post to a moderator button. We will gladly help keep it on topic.

this is where I can always get a laugh at those crazy LFS stories or how horrrrrible petco is. It's almost like a guarantee