What is a good software program to use to take the blueish hue out of photos?


Active member
I normally use photoshop but the pictures have a tendancy to change the color of the coral? I am shooting either 20k tanks and 14k tanks. I set my cameras whitebalance but the blueish hue is still there.

Microsoft Digital Image 2006 came installed on my new laptop and it works for this perfectly. THe issue is this program is unstable and runs so slow. It also stops responding from time to time?

Anyone else ever use this program? Should I resize the photos to make them smaller then try this? Maybe the photo size being 3 meg's each is killing the program capabilities?

Photoshop runs flawlessly on this pc....

What does everyone else use to take the blue out of thier photos?

I either shoot in RAW or use Photoshop CS2 to remove the blue hue. I prefer to just shoot in RAW and adjust the WB as needed before it gets processed to a jpeg.
Well my previous Fuji shot in RAW mode, but Best Buy decided to sell it out from underneath me when I took it in for service.. I think an employee fingered it. I couldn't figure out how they could sell a camera that they didn't stock anymore?:( Any rate, my Sony H1 doesn't shoot in RAW mode so I am stuck using JPEG untill I go SLR or Upgrade.....

RAW ... I have no clue as to how you're using ANY software to 'pull' the blue out of a JPG without affecting the color accuracy.

Microsoft Digital Image takes the blue out perfectly! It doesn't affect the color one bit. You can tell when you look at the live rock. Nice and pinkish purple.. Thats usually a true sign if someone shoped a photo. If the live rock looks to saturated in the photo you know its been tweeked.

The only bad thing is this program runs as slow as a dog and is unstable. I would highly recomend it if it was stable but it isn't.

I have photoshop but no paintshop. I think I have paintshop though on another pc here at home. I have to check..

Kryppy- what settings do you use in paint shop? Just curious to try this out.

Blazer, Opps forgot to reply to you!

I do have photoshop. I shoot allot of 20k lit tanks and its very hard to set my white balance to thier tanks. Unless I carry around a hunk of starboard with me from place to place. I Shot a guys tank that was lit with freshly installed 14k bulbs. They didn't burn in yet and the tank looked very blue. When I ran them thru the Microsoft program, they cam out Perfect! The true color was there. I almost fell off my chair. This program came installed on my laptop and I decided to try it. So far its nice, but to slow and unstable.
