What is it?


New member

This looks like diatom, as I thought like most of new tank, a diatom wave is normal. It is gelatinous, what is it? how to get rid of it!? I heard, narcissus snails, then diamond goby to remove this, but I had also people telling me this is not diatoms, so I fegured I would check on the forums.
Even though I am removing some with the turkey baster, I still find chucks around.

Here is a video of the "stuff"


Thank you for you help in identifying and eliminating this thing.

Tank: 40G Breeder
Currently on my phone and only telling to download video to watch it. By the sound of it, it does sound dinos... awful battle! Went through it personally and far from an easy one...

I tackled it by "tarping" the tank for three days. Only small opening for some aeration, but no lighting at all. A good skimmer is a must and NO water changes during this procedure. Li

Lighting well need to be cut back drastically after those three days of blackout to assure you got it under control. Also, after blackout is done, siphon water through a filter sock to rid all dying residual dinos, abd put the clean water back in. Once again, no water change! Dinos will only thrive more from this.

Wish I could be more thorough, but doing this from my phone is a bit of a PITA :-P

Good luck!
Thank you! I will try Fauna Marin Ultra Algae X if I can find some! Apparently it does miracles again dinoflagelattes