What is it?


Movin' on Up
What is this type of mushroom called? How do you care for it? Do you feed it? Any other tips?



(Hmmmm, sorry - don't know why the pic won't show up)
Looks like rhodactis inchoata to me (im not sure if i spelled that right) .. It eats light :) but may also accept a little bit of mysis or flake\pellet if you place it on top of it

If you just got it you can try placing it toward the bottom of your tank and slowly move it to wherever you like to have it stay over a few days\weeks to acclimate it to your lighting. You may be able to skip this if your lighting is similar to where you got it from and you'd like it to be in a similar location versus the lighting in your own tank.

hope this helps :)
I started with a rock with 5 or 6 on it. 2x175MH & 2x75 VHO actinic. After a year, I'm down to one. I've had them at various spots in the tank with regards to flow and light but nothing seems to help. They just shrivel up and go away...