What is peroxide dosing* for?

Many outcomes, i started with ideas , concept and applied with reasonable results with little cost. Research chemistry so you understand compound and determine what issue you need addressed, not broke dont fix is good rule
I used to keep dino or cyano at bay, clearer water, raised orp, reduce algea growth. H2o2 is an oxidizer it oxidizes, reasearch oxydator (sp)
Hydrogen peroxide dosing is used typically to treat algae. Dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria, etc.

Very short answer on the chemisty. As said above, it is a strong oxidizer. In chemistry this means it has a strong potential to pull electrons from other things.

ORP, mentioned above, is the oxidation reduction potential of your water. In essence, how likely your water is to break down contaminants. Dumping a lot of hydrogen peroxide into your tank will make it have a very high ORP.

.... The thing you need to worry about, is that your fish, corals, and livestock are 'contaminants'.

The goal of dosing H2O2 is to dose a small amount that will have a negative effect on the floating suspended algae and finer, filamentous algae that are not as 'sturdy' as your corals and living creatures. Think of it as sterilizing the water... but only just enough.

That is why you will see most guidelines telling you to put millilitres of H2O2 into your tank per gallons. A very small amount!
Thank you guys.
Sound like it could hurt my anamones also.
I haven't used it before. I guess I'll keep read more about it...