What is th best way to move a BIG TANK?

I was thinking since I have about 15 days to move, that I can get a 100 gallon rubbermaid and bring it to the new house. Fill it with water, and use my vortecs for circulation, then move all fish and most of the LR to it. Then drain the tank, move it to where it needs to be, then put water from the 100 gallon back into the new tank to reduce the cycle time.
yea this one is going to be a chore. Do not underestimate the amount of helping hands you will need. Also, do you have a lot of delicate corals. I hate seeing livestock casualties during moves. It is not necessary with poper planning, but seems to happen all to often. Lets get ahead of this one. Got any pics of present and future destination? might be able to make a few suggestions. I have moved wuite a few tanks.
I do have some delicate corals. I was hoping that my LFS would hold a the corals for a few weeks while I move the tank; as I am sure that it will go through a cycle.
I don't have experience moving a tank that size, but I did recently move my 65g from Austin to Houston with no casualties. I individually bagged the fish and corals or used tupperware plastic containers to keep the SPS corals protected. I kept fish and corals in styrofoam boxes during transport. All of my rock was kept in rubbermaid totes or 5g buckets submerged in tank water as well as the sand.

I had fresh water on hand to make up a batch of new salt water to add to the tank when I arrived. I put all the sand, rock, and old water back into the tank, while I put the 4 fish into a 10g tank for a few hours while the dust storm settled in the main tank.

I didn't experience a cycle as everything and all corals and fish are doing very well 2 weeks after the move.

Of course, my scenario is scaled down from what you will have to do, but I feel the concepts are the same. And certainly get as many hands as you can to help move things.

Good luck with the move.
I would set up a holding tank or rubbermade tank like you said and use current tank water in it with your fish and some rock and a seperate one for your corals and some rock. Then get out as much clean water as you can and save it. Move the tank and put as much old water back into it to reduce the chance of a long cycle as well as some rock. After its safe move the rock and fish back in, wait a week or so then move the corals in. This is not a quick process but its the best bet for your fish and coral IMO.