what is the best way to get LR?


i am upgrading into a new tank. i am moving from a 55g to a 75g with 30g sump, i currently have 55lb of lr and 40lb of ls, i would like to get a 50lb box of lr and around 50 ls, what would be the best way to do it? how much would it cost to have all that ship to 65807? i might be able to run down to indy to pick it up which is about 16hr roudn trip, let me know. thanks :cool:
I would suggest getting all new sand or only keeping half of your old sand. I have heard of a lot of people having issues when keeping all the old sand. You can call in or just place the order online. It would be easier to explain how to order rock. It really is pretty easy. If you are in a 2 day ground zone I would say just ship it. The office # is 317-882-3649. You can ask for me if you want. Have a great day.

Ok I'm a Blone :) The phone # should be 317-895-9005 not the one I put in the last post. Sorry guys.
