What Is This Black Stuff?


New member
We got this coral about about a week and a half ago. A few of the heads have started to have this black stuff coming out of the centers. Any idea of what it is?

Not slime algae for sure.
It's probably a small light adaptation problem.
Those could be zooxanthellae released and possible bleaching starting.
I've never saw as big as that though.

Can you get a better closer shot?

Tell us more about your system.

Yea, I don't think it's slime algae. It's only seems to be on the heads that havn't opened up.

The tank tank has been up for about a month and a half. Reef Breeders led light, 46 gallon tank, nitrites nitrates and ammonia all normal (tested a couple days ago), salinity 1.024, other peramiters I cant test for right now (waiting on a test kit).

Other things in the tank: 6 hermit crabs, 6 snails, and 2 clowns all acting normal. Also a frogspawn that was added about the same time as this coral. The frogspawn seems to be thriving. It's opened up to about twice the size it was at the LFS.

I tried a couple times to get a better picture but this is the best I can get right now. It's a zoomed pic of the original.


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Well, all I can say is to make sure you're acclimating them properly to your light.
Some of the polyps in the same picture (same colony?) aren't doing that yet, so if that's zooxanthellae, is probably adaptation. Turn light lower hours, if you can, or put the fixture higher. You could place the polyps on the bottom of the tank to help during the adaptation period too.

By the color, I would say it's zooaxanthellae.
They don't poop like that, at the same time normally.
That doesn't look like eggs either.

Good luck!

Thanks for the help Grandis. I appreciate it.

I looked into zooxanthellae a little and I think that's what it is also. And it is acting like two seperate colonies. I never thought of that before you mentioned it but half of it did fine a few hours after we put it in the tank and the other half never realy opened. Today the heads with the black stuff are starting to open.

Again, thanks for your help.:thumbsup:
A little fallow up to this problem. It continued up until about 2 weeks ago. I discovered my hydrometer was off. I was reading 1.0245 but my water was actually 1.027. After adjusting for the false readings of the hydrometer I haven't seen the problem since.

Not sure if it was coincidence, timing, or what, but it seemed to clear up once my salinity was in check.
