What kind of worm is this


New member
These worms just recently appeared in my tank. This tank has been set up since 2008. The only thing different I’ve recently put in there is some frozen cube food Maybe it had an egg in it?


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Not too sure the type but I’ve seen them before. Generally considered harmless last I was aware and was likely there for a while but stayed hidden.
I’m not sure what they are either but, I’m pretty sure they’re harmless. In fact, they’re likely detritivores.

And, like Shane said, they’ve likely been in the tank a long time and this just happens to be the first time you’ve noticed them.
My first guess is spaghetti worms. If there is a solid tube, then it could be vermetid snails. First is good CUC. Second is a pain in the butt. Maybe a picture of base of rock with more white light.
Hair worms or spaghetti worms are usually golden through red or yellow and there will be many arms moving from a central location. I thought about vermetids but they would typically be right on the rock in the pic and visible. The 2 "worms" in the pic originate close to each other but not from the same place. I do think we are just seeing a part of something and not a traditional worm. There are a bazillion kinds of worms in the ocean and the things people find in their tanks amaze me.