What kinda vinegar

probably. It's all vinegar, it's just different acid concentrations. I would always do 1:1 with water:vinegar though. I usually use white wine vinegar because since it's clear it falsly tricks me into believing it's more pure :)
As Eric said regular white vinegar is what I use as well. Just buy GALLON and mix it 1:1 or use it straight. Either way is fine, using it straight works faster though. Pumps and equipment come out looking brand new again!!!
yea cider will work too if thats ll you got at the moment. i use muriatic acid, at a 10:1 ratio.
yes, muriatic acid is way more effective and I use it but would not recommend it as it is so strong that you can only do it outdoors and you can actually see the smoke coming out of he bucket.
Both Tunze and Deltec recommend cleaning their pumps with Muriatic acid instead of vinegar.
Thanx all I went and got pure white vinegar. Worked like a charm. Soaked for a few hours and O brushed them. Now they have soaked overnight in fresh water. They look much better.