what phosphate reactor do you use

i've got a tlf...can't remember the last time it was hooked up or had any material in it. i should be running carbon and phosban more often...but everythings doing good.
I am going to start using an old deltec fluidize reactor that I've got collecting dust in the garage for over a year now, I will be using the phosfar media.
Salifert had problems with the Alkalinity test kit, but as far as I know that was the only kit that had widespread problems (though my kits have not had problems), but the problems were so widespread that it made their customer support disappear, which in turn made them sound a lot worse, and they've actually been slowly slipping off shelves where I've seen them.

I've had good luck with their phosphate kit (as well as a phosphate kit can do it, photometer is much better, but much more expensive).