What questions do you have for FWC or Div of Aquaculture?


New member
In May we will have representatives from FWC and the Division of Aquaculture as our speakers. What questions do you have for them that pertain to our hobby?

Kind of a broad question to ask but I'll give it a shot.

has the coral reefs in Florida shown improvements as far as coral health/growth compared to past years?

Has the fight against lionfish in Florida improved? Have we identified a new fish species in trouble because of the lion fish population in Florida?

Again these questions may be harder to answer but if they can I would appreciate it :)
Kind of a broad question to ask but I'll give it a shot.

has the coral reefs in Florida shown improvements as far as coral health/growth compared to past years?

Has the fight against lionfish in Florida improved? Have we identified a new fish species in trouble because of the lion fish population in Florida?

Again these questions may be harder to answer but if they can I would appreciate it :)

We need this guy to work around the clock -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKLkQaMY8KQ
Thanks Knuckles.

The FWC and DACS have asked us for particular questions you guys might have.

How about: My tank is getting overgown with corals. Can I sell them to local hobbyists?. Can I sell and ship to other hobbyists in another State?

Can I TRADE them for other corals, locally or out of State?

Can I sell at "frag swaps", can I trade at "frag swaps".

Does it matter if I trade or sell corals that are from one country or the other?

If I choose all of the above do I need a "license", do I need to be a "business"?

What are the implications for the above?

Come on guys, Im sure you can think of others.
Yes the questions they are able to answer would be those pertaining to wildlife and corals associated with our hobby.

If you ever wanted to know how to get a Aquaculture certificate or anything about the collection rules, regs, what you legally can and can't do with frags, fish, etc... Now is the time to speak up and get educated.

If you are shy or don't want to post your question here. Feel free to send it via email to info@fmas1955.org
I will be submitting questions very soon for our May meeting. Please let me know if you have any. Feel free to pm me or email the club using the contact us form at www.fmas1955.org if you don't want to post it here.
Eddie asked the good ones. My questions are below.

This was taken from the Fresh From Florida website.

"The possession and sales of legally harvested sea fans, stony corals, or fire corals from sources outside the state is allowed as long as the source is documented by establishing the chain of possession from the initial transaction after harvest by receipt(s), bill(s) of sale, or bill(s) of lading, and any customs receipts."

Are they saying that we have to have the documentation starting with the original harvester/wholesaler?

That's how I read it. I have never been given or asked for this. What about all the corals that people have had for years and years? So every time I sell a coral at a swap, am I supposed to be giving them a receipt even though I don't have the chain of possession?

"Coral species voluntarily colonize the material that live rock aquaculturists plant on their state or fed- eral lease sites. Live rock can be sold with attached sea fan, stony coral or fire coral except for elk-
horn and staghorn corals. These corals are federally listed as threat- ened species under the authority of the Endangered Species Act and may not be possessed, harvested, cultured, or sold."

If I happen to get live rock with an elk or staghorn coral that grows out of it, what do I do with it? Toss it?
Good question Renee. You know I'd be curious how the plant trade/hobby is handled. I see a lot of similarity in it and our hobby. Especially as it relates to fragging, etc.
You may not want the answer to those questions. They could potentially end all frag swaps etc if they give an answer that no one wants to hear.

Thanks Knuckles.

The FWC and DACS have asked us for particular questions you guys might have.

How about: My tank is getting overgown with corals. Can I sell them to local hobbyists?. Can I sell and ship to other hobbyists in another State?

Can I TRADE them for other corals, locally or out of State?

Can I sell at "frag swaps", can I trade at "frag swaps".

Does it matter if I trade or sell corals that are from one country or the other?

If I choose all of the above do I need a "license", do I need to be a "business"?

What are the implications for the above?

Come on guys, Im sure you can think of others.
You may not want the answer to those questions. They could potentially end all frag swaps etc if they give an answer that no one wants to hear.

At least the meeting is post frag swap....

Since theses arent national speakers paid to travel and speak at club meetings, is it possible to try to do a pod cast or something for people in miami (or other clubs around the state for that matter )that cant make the meetings
What questions do you have for FWC or Div of Aquaculture?

At least the meeting is post frag swap....

Since theses arent national speakers paid to travel and speak at club meetings, is it possible to try to do a pod cast or something for people in miami (or other clubs around the state for that matter )that cant make the meetings

If someone was willing to help set something up, I think this would be the type of meeting to do something of this sort.

I personally do not have the know how. Is Skype a possibility?

If you have the know how, please pm me and see where this goes.
I dont have the knowledge to do that either. I would think YouTube and a cell phone would work in the last resort...