Running a reeflo marlin from the basement pushing 16 feet of head, plus eductors, another 4 feet of head. So... figure about 1500 gallons from the sump and circulating about 4500 - 6000 gallons in the tank.
I have a barracuda return pump and a hammerhead CL pump on my 450g tank. Everything is looking pretty good, but I don't have many SPS. If I did, then I doubt if that would be enough circulation.
280g and Dart pumping ~5 feet and feeding 200gph to a skimmer. The tank is set up and adding RO water tonight =)
edit - keep in mind how much the overflows can handle... i have 2 overflows, am splitting the return into 2 1" outlets and will have 4 tunzes 6101's in the tank
I use a Gen X 70 external high pressure rated pump with penductors and it works great for flow and turnover rate. I also feed a fluidized reactor and calcium reactor with it.
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