What to do??


Found out my impeller was broke on my skimmer today, so I will be skimmer less until coralvue sends my replacement. Not to worried about no skimmer for a few but I do dose vinegar in my tank.

Should I continue to dose while I wait for my replacement? My thinking is no but will I have any other issues by just stopping dosing this quickly. Any help will be appreciated.
I would definitely back off the vinegar or stop completely. Alternative is to maybe add a bubbler or two, but I see your concern. Curious what others will say......GL.
I don't think it matters either way for such a short period of time. But something's to think about. Yes when you dose vin your skimmer produces more juice and if no skimmer where is it going? Possible rise in nitrate and phosphate On the other side if you stop feeding the beneficial bacteria its vinager than what happens to them? Nutrients? Also if no more bacteria how long does it take to grow them back when you begin again? Vinager also reduces ph So will ph go up when you stop? Can than affect anything? What are your nitrates and phosphates now? Can u do an extra water change? My opinion is go to 50% as opposed to zero vinegar
Marke, I think the concern was the added bacterial activity while carbon dosing depletes oxygen, thus you can't really carbon dose without a skimmer. You could potentially suffocate your tank. Not sure how fast that happens though.....