Im sure the product coral frenzy gives some nutrition to some corals the question is how much and is it correct for the mushrooms you have. Using a product that is marketed as an all inclusive coral food is usually not a good idea bacause different corals have very different nutritional requirements. Mushrooms feed by two main ways absorption of dissolved nutrients (fish waste, bacteria, nitrates etc.) and by capturing particulate matter that floats into their reach. Crisisback is right on the money small (depending on the mushroom) meaty food items directly over the colony (making sure not to disturb them before the food gets there causing them to close up) is your best way to get them protein fast. Flake food, Pellets and frozen food all work quite well just make sure they are not to big. in a mature tank sand stirring can be a good way to get nutrients to them as well. This is a very broadspectrum overview of how to feed mushrooms as it is hard to say what coral you are truly talking about but for the most part this is sound knowledge on how to feed mushroom anemones.