What to glue SPS down with?


New member
I have a new SPS acropora, been on the sand bed each morning for 2 days now for some reason. Doesn't do it all day so I think a snail or something pushes it over. What glue do you use to glue underwater?
i use this.

For underwater I've been using Boston Aqua Farms gel. It comes in a tube that you can use underwater without water going back in. It's a new product that was released at MACNA, so I don't have a link to it...

Just use some superglue gel, or any sort of cyanoacrylate gel. Put a big glob on the bottom that you want secured (outside of the tank), and then place it where you want it, hold it in place for a few secs, and you're golden.
I bought some superglue gell, can I take the acro out, put a dot on the bottom and push it on the rock? I'm not taking rocks apart to glue a coral down to get the rock out of the water.
I used to use super glue gel, but long term it seems to detatch from the rock.

I now use epoxy with greater results.
take a small peice of live rock..put a big screw driver to it and hit the screw driver with a hammer....bam...natural frag "plugs"....i let the little rocks dry overnight(its easier to glue on a dry surface)....next day i use either Superglue(cyano whatever dude said in previous post) or tunze coral fix...the superglue is far easier but the tunze is far sturdier yet more time consuming..

with SG i pull the frag out and put a glob on the dry rock and little drop on the bottom of the frag then hold together for 10-20 seconds...then i have a glass with the tank water and i put the frag and rock glued together now in the cup and let it sit and dry for about 10 minutes then back in the tank...LIKE BUTTER

you can skip the last step and just drop it in the tank

i dont suggest gluing or epoxying(not a word) tons of frags and putting them all back in tank at one ....but a couple is fine over a couple of days(id rather be safe than sorry)
So its ok to pull the frag out dry the bottom of the plug put a dot on it then underwater stick that to the rock? I don't have any small live rock or anything to use for stuff. Also, I have a palythoa and starpolyp frag on this one rock, but thats the rock that gets a lot of flow and I would want that acro on that rock, bad idea to stick it there because over time it will all grow into each other?
I would not put the acro near the star polyps or palythoa's. They will over grow each other. Keep all your sps and softies far from each other. The acro will more than likely lose the battle.
Ok, can the acro be at half way in the tank, half from the sand and light you know, middle and it will probably get enough flow there.
Ok, I can put it in the middle top of the tank, I have like a platue thing there. Thing is, above that is where the skimmer drops the water back in, its a diffuser box on the coralife super skimmer so if you know what I mean, maybe a few inches above where the acro would be. Is this going to hurt the acro if the skimmer dumps water above it? Skimmers aren't like powerheads right so it wouldn't really bother it or would it hurt it?
What lights are you using? I would try to move the star polyps and palythoas and put the acro there, it needs good flow but not direct or you'll blow the tissue off. Got a pic of your tank by chance?
I rearranged the rock, I can grab a pic quick and post it, give me a few minutes. The star polyps already attached themselves though to this rock.
Ok here are the pictures, t5 lighting nova extreme. I think its 2 10k daylight and 460 nm actinics, they run at the same time.
Ok, left of the clam on this peice that sticks up is where I was going to maybe put it, that grey box is the skimmer return though.

In the open area right of the star polyps I was going to put it until people said don't put it next to softies.

Full tank shot, low on water. Filling it up tonight.
You can put it in the spot you had planned by the star polyps. That looks like the only good place you have for it, for now. But as soon as you can I would get another piece of rock to put it on and put the star polyps lower in the tank. HTH
Yes just pull them off. Also you'll need to scrape that area good to be sure you get all the tissue off. Or They'll be back! I would keep softies low in the tank if you plan to do SPS.