What Type Of Wrasse Is This?


New member

It's actually a Oxycheilinus bimaculatus, Twinspotted Wrasse. Is that the actually color or just the camera. Usually they don't have that much color on them. Really nice fish and does very well, just watch out as it does like to jump. Doesn't get to large and you can keep it with other wrasse and hogs. I've always loved the tail on this fish.

Twinspotted Wrasse
I don't have a common name for it but the scientific name is
Cheilinus bimaculatus. I found it my marine fish atlas book on page 432 top right. It is a perfect match to your wrasse.
marrone, do you have a common name for the one that I named. my book only gives scientific names and not common.
It's called a Twinspotted Wrasse. Pretty cool Hog fish as when it's fully grown it's only 4"-6" and has the nice pointed tail. They show up from time to time around me, NYC, and usually stay in the tank forever as their colors aren't the best, the picture is a close up photo, and most people aren't interested in them as there are a # of other similar fish with better colors.

No...he was up at the shop I used to work at and he came in as a broomtail.Obviously not..but just wondered for sure what he was. I really like him, but I think he may be a terror to inverts.