What would be a good coral to propigate for a newbie


New member
I wanted to try propigating corals but I don't know what to start I was thinking frog spawn or pulsing xynea. What would be a good pick.
Xenia is about as easy as it comes, surround it with rubble and wait for it to spread. Other easy coral for propagation include green star polyps, zoanthids, most leathers/toadstools, and most other softies.
Agreed. Since you are new to fragging I would recommend reading as much as you can about zoas/palys as they can be/are highly toxic.
Be careful with the zoas. Super super toxic. Wear gloves and goggles when dicing those up.gsp and xenia are probably some of the easiest to frag
ZOA's are about the only softy with real value. Xenia...lucky to get a few dollars a frag. ZOA's list at up to $150 per polyp. They are generally easy and fast growers. But palytoxin...
I would not start with a xenia due to you will have to be giving it away, start with something that you might be able to trade down the road for something new. Z/P, chalice, enchants, birds nest (if you can keep spa) something along those lines you won't have to give away.
If you have a relatively stable tank with moderate or better lighting and want something that you can enjoy , not worry about taking over the world, and frag for friends and profit, try Montipora stellata or Elkhorn montipora.
Duncans are a good choice. Often 10-15 per head retail so a solid trade. With a simple system and good lighting plus a couple times a week feeding artemia brine shrimp or similar fine meaty foods, you should see good growth. They will need stable calcium carbonate for new skeleton growth, but even in dim light, sufficient feeding will give you consistent growth.
Update on duncan suggestion...I fragged my duncan about 2 months ago, one head from a mini colony of 13 heads. 2 months later its popped 4 new heads, babies, but still. Stable parameters, a bit of feeding, and enough light and they will be happy.

How are the pulsing Xenia doing? Got any pics!! we'd love to keep rooting for them!