What would you put in your 200 gallon?


New member
I am planning my 200 gallon reef now and am interested in suggestions for coral and fish to include. The only fish that is a definite is a Blue Girlded Angel. (Had to give in otherwise tank stayed fresh water cichlid tank). Thank you all for your suggestions.
Angelfish are risky in a reef tank, that one is noted to eat LPS and some soft corals, as well as nipping at clam mantles.

I would make sure to add that fish last in the order of introduction as well.

I am hoping to get some of the SPS from garf as well as mushrooms and other rarely eaten soft corals. LPS and clams will have space only in our refugium. I have been told that SPS tend to be left alone by blue girdles. The whole project is planned over a two year period and the angel will be the last inhabitant. Thank you for the help.
Well what do you want from your tank? A nice huge overgrown SPS tank of the month type tank? If so my plan would be to hold off on any iffy fish (like the angel) if possible for a while and let things grow in. That way if you see any nipping then the corals can usually take a little bit of it because there is a large amount to choose from.

So start with the true reef safe commuty fish like chromis and clowns, and wait until you get a reef set up then throw in the majority of fish.
I am still in the planning phase now. I actually am just looking for different points of view from the community because this will be the first time we have ventured into the over 100 saltwater tank range. The chromis sound like a good start, and we will move our true percula clown pair in after everything has settled.
I actually want " A nice huge overgrown SPS tank of the month type tank" but this is a long term project rather than an throw it together because I need it to look good now project. The angel will be added at least six months to a year after the last frag is added.

Hi there, Ariel

IÃ"šÃ‚´m setting a 210 G (already with water !!) so my issue/problem is similar

The tank will be mainly with SPS and some softies and 2 or 3 LPSÃ"šÃ‚´s (from my current tank). Later will also have an Entacmea quadricolor (BTA?).

What IÃ"šÃ‚´m currently considering as a stock list is the following (donÃ"šÃ‚´t now some of the names in English as we normaly use the latin ones):

From current (55G) tank:

- Yellow Tang;
- Maroon clown;
- Centropyge loriculus (flame angel ?);
- Yellow tail damsel (Chrysiptera parasema)

To be added (in this order):

- 5 to 7 Chromis viridis;
- 4 to 5 Pseudanthuias squamipinnis (Lyretail ?)
- Leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon melagris or bipartitus)
- Naso liturarus
- Euxiphipops navarchus
- Acanthurus leucosternon (PBT)/achilles
- Mandarin (couple)

some room for 2 or 3 extras (small ones).