What's a good deal ($) on shrooms, which shrooms are the best (prettiest)?


Premium Member
I want to buy some shrooms. LFS's have them for $30-$50 for a nice sized rocks covered. What are the names of some pretty types of mushrooms. I mean lots of color. I saw one called Superman. Is that one sought after? Is it a regular shroom, or Ricordea? What is a great price on the superman mushroom, or any of the name of the mushrooms that I hope come with replies to this post.
I want color.
Erm, can't you look at the ones you like and pick the ones with the color you like ? I know there are like "rare" colors andw hat not out there but I always go after ones I feel fond of and would like in my tank...
I don't think you can go wrong with that and for a nice sized rock covered with any mush i feel those are decent prices.
Thanks. chrisstie you are right. I just wanted to know what was out there as I only know what I like by what I have seen. so i just wanted to know what peoples favorites were. From some of the pretty stuff that I have seen the LFS do not have a good selection of beautiful shrooms. There is a lot a nice stuff to order though. Anybody have any opinions on Ricordea care. meaning are they hard to care for. What are their lighting needs? chrisstie I just did not want to by a mushroom rock on the mere fact that it is the only one available. I'd like to get what I want exactly if I can. But maybe you are right. You are saying that a nice sized rock covered in shrooms is worth the $30-$50 asking price right? Because that is what I wanted to know.
To answer your last question I think it is a fair price for sure.

If you really haven't seen a lot of mushrooms I can recommend what I do to get an idea of what is out there and check out a lot of online vendors. To sell their stock they need to list pictures and you can get an idea of what is out there-

some of my favorites are liveaquaria.com ****************** sealifeflorida.com and there are tons of others- the banner ad at the top often has an interesting online vendor. This is one of the few sites where I actually want to click on the ads!

mushrooms come in nearly every color and most are really very easy to care for and will do fine in low light. (PC lights) and will also thrive in very strong lighting if properly acclimated

I think from my own personal experience dealing with my local fish stores and some online vendors is that there are some vey basic mushrooms typically actinodiscus kind that are in the less expensive range - mind you some colors are deemed "more rare" than others and will usually cost a few bucks more.

there are very common greens and sometimes reds and purples- many seek after blue as it isn't as easy to get...

But then there are ricordias - more texture like dippin dots, a little pricier.. care is still the same- the Yuma type (bumps on the mouth) can be a little finicky if it is wild caught. If its a florida type (more concentric bumps, none on the mouth) it will sometimes have blue as a common color .. its very strange. Depends on the vendor, I think.

There's some crazy rhodactis types out there - some called bullseye some called UFO.. I learn about all these by drooling all day long looking at these things :)

If you can get superman mushrooms - they are usually blue with red specks on them (its more of a term for the color than the specific mushroom species) i'd say grab them. I haven't gotten some yet and in some areas they are common, others very rare. If you enjoy them and feel it would be a good investment? Go for it!

Just nkow that what you can get locally versus online will probably have a huge cost difference. You can find exotic things online but usually for $$$$ but if you find something local you like and its cheaper? Well unless I am suffering from an impulse buy on something i can't live without i usually try to stay local to help support a good business we have nearby
Thanks chrisstie. I do like Ricordea too, but it is more expensive than shrooms. What is a good price on the Superman ricordea?
id pay a lil more cuz i cant find them.. plus thie awsum lookin..
id like to have a full rock an a single one of those to frag..all my mushies may it be rics yumas of any other type i have my mother colonies an then i got the ones i cut from..an id pay 50 bucks for a few small polyps or just depending on the rock...
