what's biomatrix?


New member
:confused: What's 'biomatrix'?-I'm new to the hobby, only have about 5 months experience, so I'm reading everything I can get ahold of, but this is a very pleasureable, and at the same time upsetting (especially when one of the livestock dies-more so when all parameters are good) and even frustrating. When I get frustrated though, this is an opportunity to prevent/correct/and or learn more.

Thanks guys and gals!

It's a porous media sold by SeaChem, it's just a brand name for a product.

I would stick with easy to keep livestock, get the tough common stuff.
Folks with the high maintenance touch stuff can keep it with work but common stuff can look very nice if you consider the over all aquascape.

A well placed common plant/algae or coral will look many times better than some rare/tough to keep species. It will also thrive and look healthier as well.
So on any given Sunday, you will have a decent looking tank.

Be careful about what you buy as far as livestock.

Tom Barr
Thanks Tom

Thanks Tom

I am trying to adhere to the 'start slow then back off' philosophy,
and sometimes wonder if some of the hitchhikers may be to blame,as I currently have a snail(s) that somewhat resemble the coneshells except appear more cerith-like where the shell opening is. I have 2 LFS that I trust well and ask as many questions as I can as well as reading up on everything I can get ahold of concerning this hobby(addiction).
Thanks for your input and answer to my inquery.

Mark Storrs