Whats happening to my zoas


New member
Temp of tank 84
parameters DHk 8, PH 7.8, Mag 1220, Calcium 420
Salinity 1.024-1.025
Is it a frag, colony, new addition, wild caught or not, shipped or pick up? where a frags when I got them.
flow, 100 g tank with 2 korilla 4 on opposite ends with return on one end lighting 2 250w mh on 6 hours a day, 4 vhos on 13 hours a day
Not sure what is happening but my Zoa just seem to dissapear slowly but surely, I have bought nice baseball colonys only to have them dissapear over the course of 6 weeks or so. I bought some AOGs and eagle eys size of a quater and they grow out the size of a softball in like three months only to shrink back to quarters in three more months. LFS says might be a problem with iodide but I thought that was more for color. All my sps seem to be fine with great growth and color. Never really see any damaged so i dont think its getting eaten. Any suggestion or opinions would be appreciated.
Maybe it is not used to the temp? The temp seems a bit high in my opinion. I try to keep my tank under 80 degrees.
This is from March of 2010

This is from today

The three bivalves where completly covered when I got that big piece.
I keep my reef at 78 degrees and have no problems but i do have a huge colony of Safecrackers that are withering away. I do notice that when Coraline algae is there my zoas are not, I have had a frag with 3 PPE's on it for a year not getting any growth i pulled out the plug and scraped off all the algae around the polyps and noticed today i have a 4th polyp! Could also be pests like Asterina stars, flatworms did you try a freshwater dip of some sort to check for pests
Yes ?I dipped and not pest, I guess it wont hurt to do it again. I have a few(very few) Asterina stars but not nearly as many as some tanks I have seen. But I guess I need to start working at everything that may be the problem.
I would say pull back on your temp as well. One thing you said in your first post caught my eye...."All my sps seem to be fine with great growth and color". I feel trying to keep zoanthid/Palys and SPS's all in one tank is not going to work well. One of them is going to do better than the other. The SPS's just need a tank that I feel is to "clean" to make polyps happy. In most tanks the SPS's are gonig to win out due to the reefer keeping water that is better suited for them.
Just my 2 cents.
I would start by lowering the temp to natural reef temps ( 78 -80 degrees) and see if that helps. None of my zoos like it when my tank gets to warm.
temp way to warm. lower to 78-79 over a few days and that will help. i used to keep my tank at 78 and it spiked to 84-85 one day and killed all my zoa's and palys
Wow, 84 is too warm, I would slowly lower that down to something under 80, maybe get a controller to keep that in check if you can.
do the czoas look to be "melting"? That is a sign of stress and maybe too high of temps. I agree with the algae posts that my zoas hate it if I get an algae spike and also had anything on them or near them brushing up.