What's killing my anthelia ?


New member
I had 2 patches of Anthelia in my tank. One was an area about 5 inches across ; the other was just a few stalks (fragged from the first) . The were at opposite ends of the tank. The smaller patch shrivelled and died over the course of about 2 days. The larger patch is going fast. It no longer flows in the current, the ends have bleached, and there are pieces falling off.

Water tests show the following: Ph=8.2; SG=1.025; Ammonia=0; Nitrite=0; Nitrate=15; temp=82+/-1. Of these, the only one that bugs me is the nitrate. It had been 0 for several weeks and came up just recently. But even so, the Anthelia was introduced to my tank with nitrate around 20 and was happy for a while.

Other tank inhabitants are 2 clowns, a scooter blenny, a firefish, 3 peppermint shrimp, and an assortment of snails and crabs. There are also a few other corals, including torch, brain, mushrooms, zooanthid, purple gorgonian, and montipora. All of the other corals look happy and healthy.

The only think I can think of is that one of the critters is abusing the anthelia when I'm not looking. What else should I look for ?

Thanks all,

Bump, seriously, anyone have any ideas? I've attached a picture of what's left of it.

Ideas? Suggestions? We haven't seen anything going after it.

Liane and Matt (who's really bummed)
Do you have any crabs in the tank? Looks to me like you have a predator that is munching on them.
I have a rock with shaving brush grass on it, was fine until the crabs found it.
One day is was solid green the next it was eating down to the rock.
To fix it I put in a 3inch plastic tube standing on end and put the rock on top of it, now it is growing back and the crabs can't get to it.
Just a thought.
Try looking around them after lights out with a flashlight to see if anything is munching away.
Hope you find the culprit.