What's the best thing to do if a new frag isn't extending it's polpys?


New member
I have a new frag that isn't extending it's polpys, it's all tucked in. What's the best bet to get it to extend? Given that my water isn't the best right now, because I just added some new stuff.

Water change, feeding, more flow etc...?

I've had it for about a week now, and it isn't doing anything.
Check to see if polyps are out at night. If your water isn't at its best I would do some water changes.
ive heard of people leaving the lights off for a day, n then the next day when they put their lights on they get super polyp extension
Don't worry if the polyps don't come out yet. Just gotta give it time. I'll bet that if you get a flashlight and check it at night, the polyps are out.

As long as the tissue is not receeding, etc nothing to worry about. The frag is probably just a little stressed and needs some time.
Ditto mikeman, but are other sps doing OK in tank? Forgive me if I am wrong- but your questions lead me to think you already think/ know - not enough flow- and I think, maybe to little skimming.
Flow is medium, skimming is good, water may be a bit dirty right now because I just added some new stuff, and there's some die off right now.

What if the tissue starts to receed? There's one small head that broke off and it's receeding from that area very slowly.
When you say there is "some die off", what do you mean?

In general, Acro polyp extension isn't necessarily a health issue. The best thing to do with new frags is to put them into a mature system in a place where you won't have to move them or disturb them for a long time.
Too much Flow? I just reduced my flow in my tank as I had to much. A buddy told me that he wasn't getting polyp extension during the day like he used to. He removed his Tunze's and sure enough gets so much extension they practicaly hang out of the coral during the day.

Mine come out more at night though. By cutting my direct flow, I am hoping to get more during the day. We'll see. Flow is a good thing but if its too much, it can be a bad thing...Just my opinion...

I've been checking at night to see if the polyp extend out, and I haven't seen one yet at night or day. checked for pest and nothing.

do new frags normally not extend their polyps day and night? How long until I should expect to see some polyp extension/death.
Sometimes time is the best remedy and to do nothing is the best thing. With that said however, at some point you may want to try something different. Possibly entice the polyps to come out by target feeding the coral. Also with corals, lighting and water movement is crucial. Try moving the coral to a different place in the tank to change the lighting intensity and water movement.
Another thing is that there may be chemical warfare going on and the coral may be closed up due to chemicals emitted by a neighboring coral. Unhappiness could also be the result of less than optimal placement in your tank.
Like everyone has said, don't do anything and don't worry. I just got a acro frag from Rommel and I don't see any polyp extensions but it doesn't seem to be dying so I'm not worried.

You mentioned some stuff was dying off, well have your skimmer running and perhaps do a small water change.

Anytime I get new corals, I acclimate them into my tank and then an hour or two later I do a small water change.
Does the low flow mean better PE because that the coral is looking for food, rather than with high flow the food is being brought to the coral?.