Whats the difference between rics and yumas?

Yumas are one of the two species of rics.

There is Ricordea yuma and Ricordea floridia.

Yumas are from the Pacific and Floridia is from Florida, the Carribean

Yumas tend do have longer tentacles then floridias and the floridias tend to be prone to having more then one mouth. Yumas tend do accept lower light then floridias though these are just generalizations.
What Lance said is true, but the true identifying factor is a ring of vesicles (tentacles) around R. yuma's mouth. The other factors are commonly seen morphological features that don't always hold up for an external examilation. Note the ring of vesicles around the mouths of these pictures. These also display typical vesicle size and shape for their species, but as already stated, doesn't always hold true.

R. florida

R. yuma
yumas are also related to hairy mushrooms and do and accept lower temps. Most of the new colors are comeing out of Viet Nam with oveo une thousand ilslands who knows what colors will comeout. They also do get the south China Sea, so the coder temps.

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