Whats Your Favorite Coral?


New member
Just curious to see everyones favorite coral in their tank. Here's mine unedited picture. It's missing a chunk because I just fragged it lol

That's like asking which one of your kids is your favorite:wildone:

I have my temporary favorites which are the ones that look best now, and I have my potential favorites that really haven't "shown up" yet LOL!

By the way, nice choice;)
This Blasto Merletti is not the prettiest coral in my tank, but I've had it for 13 years. That alone makes it my favorite.

This Blasto Merletti is not the prettiest coral in my tank, but I've had it for 13 years. That alone makes it my favorite.


Holy crap is that a blasto colony!?!? That's awesome. I have never seen such a big colony. I've had blastos in my tank for almost 2 years and hasn't grown at all.
My current fav is this one....

I think my future fav will be this one...

Which is supposed to grow into this....

I have one that would be my favorite if by a miracle it ever even remotely looks close to this....
got to be my devil's hand leather had it 2 n half years started the size of a tennis ball now a dinner plate simple but beautiful.