When is the best time to add zoas to a new tank


New member
I currently have a 29gal tank with about 10lbs of live rock I am looking at a neon purple zoa but I don't want to just order something if my tank isn't ready for it when would be the best time to add zoas to my tank I'm upgrading my lighting to a 30" 96w PC bulb I have 2 clowns a sea star and going to be getting a royal gramma in the next month or so. I'm new so not really sure what the requirements would be for adding one to my tank any advice is greatly appreciated.
I would wait till your tank is at least a few month establish to be safe. Infact I waited about 6 months to make sure my tank is stable enough to add coral.
6 months is absolutely ridiculous, after your initial cycle get your nitrates under control and you can add coral. Don't go dumping a bunch of fish in at once though.
I currently have a 29gal tank with about 10lbs of live rock I am looking at a neon purple zoa but I don't want to just order something if my tank isn't ready for it when would be the best time to add zoas to my tank I'm upgrading my lighting to a 30" 96w PC bulb I have 2 clowns a sea star and going to be getting a royal gramma in the next month or so. I'm new so not really sure what the requirements would be for adding one to my tank any advice is greatly appreciated.

If you could change your light for 39W T5 bulbs instead the PC would be better. There are more choices for the colors and less heat using T5s.
If you choose the T5s I would suggest to have as many bulbs you can fit over your tank. There are great fixtures like the ATI and the less expensive Tek Light fixtures.
If you still want the PCs I would recommend to get a white bulb and an actinic blue (50-50%).

You can add the zoas when you have control over the algae.
If you keep the parameters in check you would be able to see some coralline algae growing. Most people would refer that to the point acceptable for the corals, clams and zoas to be introduced in the system. Keep in mind that coralline algae needs to be introduced in the tank (normally comes with live rock) and the params have to be acceptable for it's growth. Otherwise you won't see a very noticeable growth.

Try to find a local club where people can help you with questions and give you some frags when you're ready. That would be great!!

Welcome to the hobby and to ReefCentral!

6 months........ I think that's letting the tank marinate to long for zoas. But to each his/her own. I could see doing that for a nem. But not zoas

Test your water chem
Consistent water parameters = "ready"