When/where is the next frag swap in Chattanooga, TN area?


New member
I am new to this and a friend to me to look for the next frag swap in our area. I am in the Chattanooga, TN/Ringgold, GA area. Anyone have any information? Let me know. Thanks.
local chatt reef club is going to set date for our swop at next meeting. Think some time in june is being talked about. you can check with chattanooga reef culb
come join us on 6/19. so far our vendors include:

Aquatic Marine
Atlantis Aquarium
Brandon from Chatt (possible)
Cherry Corals
Coral Reef
Fidel Camarena
Fins and Frags
Gary (gflat)
Ironman (Chatt)
Leah’s Lagoon (MTRC)
Lin Swann (Columbia Marine Aquarium Club)
Reefkoi Corals (Chris - Colorado)
Revhtree (Chatt)
Rock N Reef (possible)
Sustainable Aquatics
Triton’s Garden
Wet Thumbs
Christopher Honeyman (possibly)

should be a great time!
We Are!!


All other general information, can be found on the: Official 2010 WTMRAC Frag Swap Thread