when will they reproduce???

No one can give a real answer. They may split or they can spawn babies. If you see the stem starting to move there is a posibility they may spawn babies. Some of my green striped disosoma make a couple new babies every month.
Then again I have had this cool neon orange one that hasn't spawned anything in 2 months.
X2 with reefer07
the red guy will most likely spawn first watch the purple one they are a pain in the butt just to keep happy never mind split or clone
It all depends on your tank conditions. For instance JMCAquarium said that the purples are hard to keep alive, and yet I know people who have these in such plague proportions that they resort to soaking the rock in freshwater to get rid of the things. I would say they will both spread fairly quickly if given the right environment and as long as they make it through the first week or so in the new tank they will do just fine.
I have these mushrooms for 2 weeks, I bought it from my local LFS who sells it for 1 dollar ea, is it a good deal ??? the red on is 1.5'' when fully expand, and the purple one is 2'' when fully expand, btw, is it normal for mushroom to shrink when u turn off the lights at night ? cause I noticed my mushrooms slowly shrinking everyday when I turned off the lights, but it become fully expand in the morning when the lights are on....
Yep, not a bad deal. Sounds like someone in your area has them growing like crazy and brings them to the LFS for store credit.

Yep completly normal about the shrinking. Mine do it every day.
I've had some green ones for nearly 2 years that have only started growing (ie. increased in size, no reproducing) in the last 12 months. My purple one I've had since Nov 07 and its beginning to split for the first time now. I believe mine have been slow because I've moved them around the tank a lot but I have heard that they can have a static period when first introduced to the tank before they start growing as well.
I was looking at it from the newbie stan point as far the blue/purple shrooms go they are harder then normal ones to keep but under the correct condtions they will spread like any other shroom I currently have a rock with 20+ growing no bigger then a quarter and the spawning clones.

IO should have worded what I said better. In short don't worry about cloning or splitting them at the moment get them happy and growing then worry about that. If your water isn't stable enough just to keep them happy then force splitting is not a good idea.

i'll post my blues for you tommorow