where can i get a PVC sheet


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does any one know where can i get a pvc sheet i am looking to get at least 84x36 or 84x48 please can some one post a link with good prices thanks
best place to start is the yellow pages, "plastics, sheet, rods, tube" or something to this effect. Every metro area has at least a couple of these distributors, usually comes in white or grey sheet. You won't have to pay freight and can have it now :)

will this worck for a tank i want to make a tank 84x36x30 i was looking on the new tanks lots of people are making them with pvc bottoms is it good idea

thanks for your reply
I don't know enough about those tanks or how well silicones stick to PVC over time to really give any sort of educated answer on that. Hopefully others will chime in with good info.

lol i know is out of the topic i wass looking at your galery and see you do have nice work i like it really good and clean

do you know where can i get some plans for diy tube cuting gigs for acrylic

I just use a sled on the table saw, works about as well as anything else I've found.

Thanks for the kind words :)

i dont think the PVC sheet will bond well unless you groove the PVC for the glass to drop into.the PVC has a factory shine to it,it doesnt offer a good suface for silicone to bond.i work with PVC sheets all day and i would groove the base.
hey you are a good person to ask how good is it if i want to make a tank 84x36x30 with a pvc bottom do you have ani info link anyting i can get a good idea to make my tank
ive seen a few tanks on RC that were made with PVC bases.i have never personally done this.the silicone at best would form a vacuum seal to the sheet but would not bond.the tanks i saw had the edge of the sheet routed out for the glass to bond to,i would do something similar or IMO even better groove the sheet and leave some sheet outside the glass,this way the glass cant let go at the bottom.if the factory sheen isnt broken(by routing edge or grooving)then the silicone will be almost useless IMO
here is how i saw the tanks made with PVC bases

here is what i would do
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10008496#post10008496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by checkinhawk
here is what i would do

i will do the same i was thinking go with 1" pvc and 1/2 glass it will be 84/36/30h what you think

you say it will not bond to the pvc so how long will it last is like a time bomb you don't know when it will come out and lick
as far as i know and have seen it doesnt bound to the sheet if the factory sheen is still there.i cant tell you how thick of glass cause i just dont know glass.if you groove the sheet like i showed it will contain the glass from popping outward.the silicone would be IMO just a water seal and not part of the overall strenght of the tank.the whole PVC to glass thing,as far as i know is a relitively new way of making tanks.im not saying pvc to glass is a timebomb i just think the groove would make me sleep better at night.
ok since i have answed some stuff for you,i got a question to ask.why do you want to have the PVC bottom?i really dont see any reason to want it.