Where have you been?


New member
The wife and I have not seen you at any of the swaps for the last two years. So the question is... Where have you been? Or more accurately, Where have we been?

I must say that we have tried to go to a few frag swaps and even requested some corals on fragswapper.com. In the end, we just could not attend. We greatly apologize to those we have requested from in the past and then canceled.

This is due to a few reasons. First and foremost is that my mother moved in with us about two years ago. As some of you know, not soon after she moved in, we lost almost all of our corals. We went to see a movie. Everything was great before we left. However, upon our return the water was cloudy and 90% of our corals were RTN.

Not sure what she did/didn't do but an emergency situation was at hand to save what we could. Thankfully no fish were lost and a few corals were saved.

We considered on giving up due to the major loss and cost behind it.

Over the last two years we have been slowly trying to get the tank back to normal and teach my mother to not do anything like spray bug spray, cleaners and so on any where near the tank.

Not knowing what truly happened we started from the ground up. We put what we had into a 40 gallon breeder. We cooked all of the rock and then let fully dry. Once that was done we added the rock to the 93 gallon. Added salt water and started the very long process of cycling the tank. No more sand as we now have a bare bottom tank. To make it look like there is still sand on the bottom I painted the underside of the tank a textured sand color.

We have also done a few upgrades to the 93 gallon Marineland cube tank in the last two years. One of them is that we upgraded to a Hydor Performer 705 Recirculating Skimmer and LED lights are out and metal halide T5 HO combination light in.

The great news is that so far everything is doing great and more importantly our corals are healing and growing!

We really hope that we can attend a frag swap soon as we would like to see everyone again.

Lastly, We hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Hope to see you soon,
David W and Kristine W


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