where to get marine goo locally?


New member
i hafta 'seal' some uniseals to a bucket and i dont know (or think) silicone will do the job...unless someone else has tried it with silicone and works like a charm! :)

Yea. Everyone uses:

GE Silicone Window and Door (Clear) Available at HD or Lowes...Use it with a caulk gun for easy usage.

Good Luck

PS: Its marine safe...
Marine Goo holds great but will likely kill everything in your tank. It is Tolulene based and most definately not reef safe.
I'd use the silicone GLUE. Not sealant. Get the glue/adhesive. It's different. As for Marine Goop, you can get it an any hardware store, but it is questionable in terms of safety. I used some on the OUTSIDE of my junctions without problems, but I'd be hesistant on something with direct contact with the water.

i guess that it isnt called marine goo but something similar to it that is reef safe.

the uniseal isnt flush with the bucket side so i need to find something to fill the gap.

i havent heard of the silicone glue...well, looks like i am heading back to home depot! :)

thanks for letting me know not to use marine goo! :)