Okay this is a pic of my tank... i have ordered several zoa's and paly's in the states and they will arrive on wednesday.. where is the best place to put
them conserning flow and lightning on flowpump (jeboa wp40 (13000l/h) hangs on the left
lighting : 4 x T5 39 w 1 x Blue ledbar 18 w and 1 x ledbar white (leds in the middle)
the species i have ordered are... armour of god ; firestarter (red); shitznits ; blue hornet;
psychodelics; Martion invation; killerclowns and ofcourse rasta zoa
them conserning flow and lightning on flowpump (jeboa wp40 (13000l/h) hangs on the left
lighting : 4 x T5 39 w 1 x Blue ledbar 18 w and 1 x ledbar white (leds in the middle)
the species i have ordered are... armour of god ; firestarter (red); shitznits ; blue hornet;
psychodelics; Martion invation; killerclowns and ofcourse rasta zoa