Where to snorkel in keys


New member
I'm planing a trip to the keys this summer and would like to find a place to stay where we can snorkel from the beach in front of motel or close by. Thanks for any info.
In Key Largo swimming from shore would put you on the bay side.
You wont be able to swim out to the reef but it's still fun, you see cool fish, inverts and maybe some zoes in shallow turtle grass setting.
Keep in mind that there are no "beaches" so if you want water access you need to stay at a place that created it. The Marriott beach resort is a great place for this (mile marker ~104-105) they have a great set up with a lagoon where you can rent jet skis, kayaks etc ...
To get out to the reef you'll need to get over to the ocean side. Go up to mm100 and you'll find any number of scuba and snorkel boats that'll take you out.
Check out the Quick Silver shes a 50" sailing cat that does snorkel trips. Pretty good value too IIRC ~$35 gets you a few hours out to 2-3 spots.
I should have mentioned too
The John Pennecamp state park ~mm 102 you'll be able to snorkel from the beach, rent boats or take a hired boat tour.

If you are open to driving out about an extra hour check out Islamorada you'll find more options for water front motels and resorts than Key Largo
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My wife and I have snorkeled all up and down the Keys from Key Largo to Key West. The best places we have found are:

1) Bahia Honda State Park (MM37)
2) Looe Reef (You can take a snorkel boat from Bahia Honda SP)
3) Fort Zachary Taylor State Park - On Key West
4) Key West Marine Park - On Key West
5) John Pennekamp State Park (MM102)

You can see some videos of what to expect at all of these places on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/oceanbahia)

Loee key is, personally, my favorite reef in the keys. I've spent alot of time diving around Big Pine key, and the area is really nice. Largo is good, but I tend to find it's a little more touristly (relativly speaking, these are the keys) and expensive. Snorkeling from the beach is going to be a tough order to fill, since the keys are a barrier reef system. I know at largo you don't start getting nice patch reefs until you're at least 2 miles off shore. For reef diving a boat will be necesary. That being said,there are other ecosystems in the keys. I know of some nice mangrove area and a spounge flat that is fun to dive.

Hope this helps
Excluding a trip to the dry tortugas. My vote is for looe key as a boat trip. If you are willing to come to key west you can swim a half mile off the beach and you can easily find large brain corals with gorgonian forests around them and much more.. Or I can take you out,
Alligator Reef Lighthouse is OK. Near Islamorada. There are some nice smallish patch reefs pretty close to shore just off from Cheeca Lodge.
If you stay at the Tiki Bar in Islemorada, it's now called the postcard inn, they have a great lagoon out back with a 20 foot wall maybe 75 feet from shore, lots of tropcial fish/sponges, some corals.Always lots of angelfish there. It's probably the best place to snorkel from land. The reefs are too far to snorkel too
+1 to Bahia Honda, that place is sooooo pretty, and you often have a top 10 ranked beach all to yourself. Take the boat over to Loee for some great snorkeling, or just check out all that BH has to offer. They've got cabins on stilts that overlook the bay for $120-$160/ night with a 2 night minimum.