which one?


New member
Hello everyone, I am wondering about the lighting need of SPS. I have a 38 gallon with 192 watts of pc light and am wondering which, if any, sps I can keep. I know acro's are out of the question but would montipora be alright? Also i would like to know if i can keep them with no worries for light,I want them to be able to thrive grow! Would this work or should I just wait and get t5's ? Thank you for all of your input!!:)
Actually, not all acros are out of the question. The green slimer doesn't seem to be very light needy. In fact, in my hands it gets rather pale in the halide light. When I first got this frag I had it in a 55 gal with PCs and it was doing great. Most montis (e.g. digitatas, caps) should do okay under PCs. Some deep water acros may do well. In fact, most green specimens seem to fair well under so-so light. I find blue needs a ton of light to mainitain their color as does pink and light red.

Hope this helps.