Which T5 bulbs should I use?


New member
I just started my 75 gal zoa dominant softie tank 6 months ago. I love the deep color that the atinics give off. I would like to know what are the best brands and K rated bulbs should I use in my 6 bulb T5 light that will give me the best color and growth for my zoas and softies, while still giving off a nice icy blue color. I run just the atinics for the first 2 hours then the other atinic and three white bulbs are on for the next 8 hours. Then the atinics are on for 2 hours before the tank goes dark. I don't quite understand how the 10k versus the 14k bulbs or whatever differs from the other so I would love some help. Thanks.

I just started my 75 gal zoa dominant softie tank 6 months ago. I love the deep color that the atinics give off. I would like to know what are the best brands and K rated bulbs should I use in my 6 bulb T5 light that will give me the best color and growth for my zoas and softies, while still giving off a nice icy blue color. I run just the atinics for the first 2 hours then the other atinic and three white bulbs are on for the next 8 hours. Then the atinics are on for 2 hours before the tank goes dark. I don't quite understand how the 10k versus the 14k bulbs or whatever differs from the other so I would love some help. Thanks.


It all depends. What are you looking to achieve?

Great coloration?

Exceptional group?

Or a little of both?

Is this your first tank?

What is your expected bioload?

There are about a dozen more questions and concerns I would have before even discussing lights? "So why are you going there Mucho, I just ask about lights?"

My concern, and I'm not being rude or mean at all, but what do you know about keeping zoas and palys? Have you done much research online? Have you purchased any books? Are you working with a LFS and they are helping you? Have you searched this forum for any background info?

I received a PM long ago with this same question and I wanted to ask these questions but I didn't want to offend him. He was putting the cart way ahead of the horse, and his tanked crashed within 2 months. I'm asking and saying these things because I want you to be successful and not discouraged if things go south on you. If I have said or done anything that has overtly offended you, please, except my apology as that is not my intent. With the prices now being charged for zoas and palys, you can become very discouraged if you have any glitches along the way. Really just looking out for you bro.

Mucho Reef
With the prices now being charged for zoas and palys, you can become very discouraged if you have any glitches along the way. Really just looking out for you bro.
Mucho Reef

Mucho speaks the truth on this.

I myself run a 4 bulb 54watt t5HO. I researched a lot on the lighting forums. They have a lot of good people there. I have found in my tank that one fiji purple, aquablue special, 2 blue+ make the corals pop and many are growing well. Now I do not know what lighting is better for growth as I have not experimented on different configurations. Now even in my tank some of my polyps like being more on the top while others more on the bottom so it also depends on what type you put in. Flow is also important.

There is so many different variations of Z's and P's its not even funny. And one zoa thats grows really well for me might not last a week in your tank and vise versa. You really need to see what works best for you as far as lighting, placement in the tank, flow, etc. Save your money and time by throughly inspecting all your purchases one of the biggest tip when it comes to zoas and palys.

I personally like higher kelvin rating bulbs as well in my tank heres what i got


I've been using wavepoint bulbs and i actually love them they are super cheap too. But many people like the ATis,Geismann, and UVs
I just started my 75 gal zoa dominant softie tank 6 months ago. I love the deep color that the atinics give off. I would like to know what are the best brands and K rated bulbs should I use in my 6 bulb T5 light that will give me the best color and growth for my zoas and softies, while still giving off a nice icy blue color. I run just the atinics for the first 2 hours then the other atinic and three white bulbs are on for the next 8 hours. Then the atinics are on for 2 hours before the tank goes dark. I don't quite understand how the 10k versus the 14k bulbs or whatever differs from the other so I would love some help. Thanks.


To answer your actual question, as mentioned, many prefer this combo for a 4 bulb unit:
fiji purple

Once you get into 6 bulb units, you have a bit more flexibility. Some add another blue+ and another aquablue, some like to add another fiji purple or one of the other new KZ bulbs (New Gen), etc. Personally I'd get the four running, then determine which ones you like best and add two more.
I've been in the hobby for about a year and this is my second tank. The tank has great growth and as maintained well. I do water changes and test my water regularly. I have 3 gobies, a clown, and 3 wrasses in my tank along with a mated pair of banded shrimp and three cleaner shrimp. My cleanup crew of snails and crabs keeps my tank's bioload as low as possible. I am looking for a little of both worlds when it comes to growth and color from my zoa collection. I have over 50 different zoas and palys in my tank and I am always looking for more. I am not interested in the "in thing" zoas. I don't see me ever paying that kind of money for 1 head of a rasta or purple hornet. I buy what looks good to me. Heck, I barely know the names of many of the zoas I have in my tank. I do know how flow and lighting affects them. I have never lost a zoa in my tank. I dip everything I get no matter where and who they are from and everything is properly acclimated. The light I have came with 3 blue atinics and 3 daylight bulbs. I want to know how I can give off more of a bluish color in my tank. I hope this answers some of the questions I didn't when I posted.
This is a very popular 6bulb setup and what I use, i love the rich color..

AquaBlue Special
Fiji Purple
Any of the 460nm actinic bulbs will give you that awesome pop and good par. The big two for this type of bulb are ATi's Blue + and Geismann powerchrome actinic plus. The combos listed already will give you a really nice color and good growth
Here are some shots of my tank.


