Which VHO bulbs?

little soprano

New member
Hello :wave:

I'm still relatively new to this hobby. My BF and I have been working on a used 125 gallon acrylic we picked up. Our wet-dry in the back is doing quite well, we loaded it with live rock rubble, macro algaes, sea-mud, and a MH grow light.

We are currently working on the lighting for the main area of the tank. It came with two VHOs, but we also got two led fixtures our new LFS is very happy with. He uses it on his two main display tanks and frag tank. We are keeping the VHOs as well.

We have redone the hood, but we are in debates on the bulbs to get for the VHOs. I've heard good things about the 454s, is it worth getting one of these? Should I get one and a white actinic? Or just two 454s? Any advice would be appreciated. Even with two 6500k bulbs, these guys have covered my LR and DR with a lot of pink, purple, and green coralline!
I have used 454 VHO's to supplement my MH's and was always very happy with them. If you are going to use them to supplement your LED's then you should be fine, provided they give you the look you want.

Which bulb IMO will depend on the LEDs and your preference for tank color. the 454 is pretty close to what the LED blues will provide so I would look at supplementing the spectrums that are not covered well by the LEDs.

A VHO actinic would be in the mix for sure if it were me, to supplement that fluorescent pop that most LEDs just can't hit. Then whatever else you fancy. If the LEDs leave a little lacking for coral and fish colors (particularly yellows and red/purple) then I might go with an actinic white (or an aquasun if you wan't a little warmer color)

If possible, I'd try to use two of the same bulbs so the lighting is consistent front to back. The 75.25 might be a good choice in that case as it's mostly actinic, with a touch of the white phosphors thrown in.
Any of the UVL bulbs are outstanding. 6.5K halides and blue VHO have been a high quality light for a LONG time.

BTW - I would argue that if you sue the LED, then they will be supplementing the VHO since the VHO are higher quality light. :)

They take a while to get, so order a bunch and stock up.
This is our hood right now LOL.

Should be finished tonight. They are two Aquasun 6500k bulbs right now. And I'll be honest, those softies are happy as hell under them. And the amount of coralline growth in a month has been insane. They are powerful lights, but these LEDs aren't too shabby either. No name Chinese brand, but the LFS has them over a frag tank, and his display tank with SPS in them, and everytime I go in they've gotten a little bigger. But I love the look of florescent bulbs, and I couldn't just throw out a Coralvue 660 Ballast :P. We were just going to stick with the VHOs, but we wanted to make it so we wouldn't be limited on light. The LEDs are fully adjustable, the VHOs are always 100% on. But I will admit I have a few T5hos over my FW tank, and the VHOs have a more rounded color. Though my electric bill hates them. Would it be wise to keep one of the Aquasun bulbs? And then go with a 454? Or just do two 454s? I'm not very good with SW bulbs.
You can always order up two 454's and if it's too blue swap back in one of the aquasun bulbs, then you'll have your next replacement set already on hand......