White slime...again, why?how?


New member
So this is getting to be pretty annoying and tiring...i have a 75g tank that has been set up for 2 months, all live rock and a 40g sump,the bacterial growth(that is what i'm seeing)comes and goes like if it was the boss of the tank.recently it had a big white cloud that i hated it, at the end i bought a uv and it was crystal clear no problems for like 2 days...came back today and the slime is on the rocks again!!!! Are you kidding me? I barely feed cause i only have 3 small fish and like 3 corals so why this keeps happenning? I'm at loss really, any help would be appreciate it, this has ne er ever happen in my last tanks for real.
Hard to say really...Any scented candles/air fresheners or other chemicals used in the local area?

Where did you get the live rock?..
No air freshners no candles no nothing, the rock came with the tank...i'm really beggining to think my problem is actually the rock
Nitrate/phosphate test results?
Water change schedule?
Source of water for water changes and ATO top offs?

With time it "should" calm down though..
High bacterial counts can be a good thing and help keep nutrient levels low..
Yes its unsightly but just continue that UV and skimmer and give it time..