White slime, mucus like


New member
Hey all,i've been runing my tank for 3 weeks now, it's a 75g with a 40gallon sump and idk what happened or what is this but a white mucus like thing is on the side of my tank, rocks and sump. I ckeck my water parameter and everything is fine so idk really how to approach this, i clean it and when i wake up the next morning is at it again. I really wanna take this out of my tank cause it makes the tank look really bad but i don' know how to approach it. I've had tanks in the past and never had this before. Thanks for any help


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I totally forgot to get back to you on that.... My apologies.. Busy week..
And I can see it much better now on my big screen vs my phone..

That is bacterial snot or coral secretions (coral mucus) or dinoflagettes growth..
Use this method to see if its dinos..
Is there some that looks "brownish" on that rock in your sump? Kind of looks like it from the pic..

The stuff on the sump baffles looks like just normal bacterial snot (a large grouping of bacteria that as sloughed off from somewhere)..

Do you have corals?. I didn't ask that I don't think..

As long as its not dinos is really nothing to worry about and is likely just temporary..

(I already asked you if you are carbon dosing and you aren't thats why I made no mention of that..Bacterial snot is very common when overdosing on carbon)
so do you think i should just run with it and see what happens?
Yes... just give it some time and see if it clears..
If doing a water change soon suck it out.. If not just see what happens..
As long as its not dinos its very likely to be harmless bacterial snot or coral mucus..
Do you carbon dose? I had the same thing happen a few years back when I overdosed nopox. Either way, time will clear it if it is a bacterial bloom. Also if you are carbon dosing, vodka dosing, vinegar dosing, using biopellets etc., you must have a good skimmer and start slow. Adding too many pellets or too much carbon source too quickly can cause a bloom.
Do you carbon dose? I had the same thing happen a few years back when I overdosed nopox. Either way, time will clear it if it is a bacterial bloom. Also if you are carbon dosing, vodka dosing, vinegar dosing, using biopellets etc., you must have a good skimmer and start slow. Adding too many pellets or too much carbon source too quickly can cause a bloom.

i currently don't do any of those, tank is been up for 3 weeks only, woke up today as of 7am and the white slime is at it again, i can't believe how fast it appears even when i take it out the day before:angryfire:
Did you start with dry rock and bottled bacteria? This is a pretty common problem of starting that way. It should clear on its own. If not, you may try picking up several different brands/types of bottled bacteria, and add them to the tank over a couple weeks to a month. Or you can get a good piece of established live rock from someone. I had a sinilar issue when starting my current tank and this worked great for me. I moticed a lot of similarities in the dry rock start in other's tanks when I was researching it.
Did you start with dry rock and bottled bacteria? This is a pretty common problem of starting that way. It should clear on its own. If not, you may try picking up several different brands/types of bottled bacteria, and add them to the tank over a couple weeks to a month. Or you can get a good piece of established live rock from someone. I had a sinilar issue when starting my current tank and this worked great for me. I moticed a lot of similarities in the dry rock start in other's tanks when I was researching it.

i started with live rock that i kept wet with a heater and a power head all the time, i have tanks before and this is the first time this happened:headwally:, i'm monitoring very closely.
I totally forgot to get back to you on that.... My apologies.. Busy week..
And I can see it much better now on my big screen vs my phone..

That is bacterial snot or coral secretions (coral mucus) or dinoflagettes growth..
Use this method to see if its dinos..
Is there some that looks "brownish" on that rock in your sump? Kind of looks like it from the pic..

The stuff on the sump baffles looks like just normal bacterial snot (a large grouping of bacteria that as sloughed off from somewhere)..

Do you have corals?. I didn't ask that I don't think..

As long as its not dinos is really nothing to worry about and is likely just temporary..

(I already asked you if you are carbon dosing and you aren't thats why I made no mention of that..Bacterial snot is very common when overdosing on carbon)

hey mcgyvr, i did the test on dinos, used the paper towel to strain the water, after about an hour or so i checked the water and it's crystal clear. so i'm guessing is not dinos?? hope not lol
well, i left the tank to run it's course not touching it and well...this thing is worst, i know some people say just let it be and it'll clear itself but i really don't think that is the case for my situation, it was bad so i did a 20% water change just to get rid of that damn slime, any suggestions from anyone of what should i do if this doesn't go away on his own? sucks that you clean it all and just a couple of hours later is there again:angryfire::headwally:
Bacteria are repopulating as it is removed. A good UV sterilizer will clearbit up, but it can be expensive and works more for bacteria in the water column rather than on the rock and glass. For what it’s worth, I just got over a water column bacterial bloom with a UVsterilizer in under 12 hours after adding it. It lasted a week and a half before I put the UV on. All fish survived. After the bloom no ammonia, nitrates or phosphates were showing on the tests. I mean 0.00, which the corals really did not like, but the bloom didn’t poison the water. The one I had a few years ago with the snot on the rocks didn’t kill anything that I remember either. It cleared itself up after a few weeks. I dont remember testing after that one though.

I didn’t see, what kind of skimmer do you have?
Bacteria are repopulating as it is removed. A good UV sterilizer will up, but it can be expensive and works more for bacteria in the water column rather than on the rock and glass. For what it's worth, I just got over a water column bacterial bloom with a UVsterilizer in under 12 hours after adding it. It lasted a week and a half before I put the UV on. All fish survived. After the bloom no ammonia, nitrates or phosphates were showing on the tests. I mean 0.00,which the corals really did not like, but the bloom didn't poison the water. The one I had a few years ago with the snot on the rocks didn't kill anything that I remember g. It cleared itself up after a few weeks. I dont remember testing after that one though.

I didn't see, what kind of skimmer do you have?

I have a swc mini s cone skimmert(really nothing mini about it)
update,it's been a couple of days now since my tank look really bad and thankfully the slime is going away, i really don't know if the bacterial slime is just disappearing or if it was my ATO water, i read somewhere that having your water close to the kitchen could cause this, mine was very close and with no lid. so i tested and did new water with my rodi and covered it all the time, after i did that the tank started to change. and when i mean change i mean like night and day lol. so idk if it was the water or just the tank itself going to a process.:thumbsup: