White swirls on zoanthids


New member
Yesterday I noticed a few of my zoanthids wouldn't open. This morning the majority were closed and upon closer inspection I noticed these white swirls on them. Does anyone no what they are and how to get rid of them?

Those are nudibranch eggs... which means you have a problem.

First step is dip the colony to kill off any live nudibranchs. To be safe you should probably dip any nearby colonies as well. I describe the dipping process I use in this thread.

Then, you need to get rid of all those egg sacks. They can be a pain to get off. You can try tweezers, being careful not to damage the polyps. Sometimes you can work them off with a soft brush.

If you use a quarantine tank you can just put the zoas in there as is and plan on dipping them (and any other zoa colonies in there) every four days or so for a couple weeks. After that and a careful inspection your zoas should be ready to go into your tank.


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